I've written several apps over the years. I started out with iOS apps (for iPhone) in 2008. There have been so many major changes since then! When I wrote the first app there was only an iPhone and an iPod Touch. Now of course, there are tons of iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches and other stuff.
The App Store only had 10000 or so apps back then. Now, there are millions!
I also have one app on Google Play for Android (Pain Relief 2.0) - a pain relief app. See it on the bottom of the page.
Chakra Pro - Chakra balancing and alignment app for balanced health, energy and life force.
Pain Killer 2.0 - Fast pain relief using special sound waves and frequencies. Put your headphones on and pain melts away in about 20 minutes.
iRife Detox - Detox app that uses Rife Frequencies. Several types of detox including, chemtrail, liver and more.
Depression ZX is for fast relief of depression and anxiety.
iRife Lyme is an app that covers problems associated with Lyme Disease. It uses Rife Frequencies. Really, it's a program that can be used for a lot of things from the flu to hangovers. Reports show that this has really helped those afflicted with Lyme Disease.
Sleep App Zzz is the perfect app for insomniacs (like me). This uses special frequencies that will make you sleep GREAT. Put your headphones on for about 20 minutes and you'll be out like a light.
MediBeats is the sister to Chakra Pro. It has all of the solfeggio frequencies and much more for deep meditation. There's an app bundle including the two in one package at a discount as well.
Psychic Beats is an app that improves intuition and psychic abilities. Some of the frequencies used in the app were used at Stanford University's Psy Research Program. It really works!
Astral Dreams is a Sleep, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection app. It uses special frequencies to do all of these.
Shaman Magic combines special drum beats with chakra frequencies to go into altered states of conscienceness. The drumbeats are all at the same frequencies (BPM) used by Shaman in different cultures around the world.
Pain Relief 2 is an Android App with special sound waves that reduce and stop pain aof all kinds.